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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Slamming The Boards!

Slamming Boards are something that I could have tapped into back in the HSC! How much easier would this have made some assignments! On a more serious note now however, I can see that by actively participating in "Slamming the Boards" can benefit the Library. I see it as another way of getting the "brand" out there into various mediums and to people in the community that would not have known about us or the services we provide before.

For the second point customers of the library may like to review various parts of the collection and services offered by the library much like they might rate and review movies and books (LibraryThing) much the same as other social sites. Visit this link to see an example of what I am thinking in action. This could be provided for events only, or if modified for all types of services. There could very well be a section within our own website that enables people to give positive feedback in relation to a particular staff member and their assistance provided.

Anything than provides interaction by the client with the library will make them feel more involved and more connected to our "brand" and products.

1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

You put it very well - Slamming the Boards is a great marketing tool / branding exercise for libraries.

Mylee (PLS)