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Monday, May 19, 2008

Online Video

This was quite a fun week for blogging and learning. There are just so many possibilities to include in this lesson. The best part of this would probably be the the Mexican wave in the Metcalfe Auditorium! No I am serious take a look!

Other than that I will admit I allowed myself a little distraction for the adventure section - which you can see below.

There are many opportunities to use online video for many different purposes here at the library. As we all know at the moment video can be used to teach users about pretty much everything. Training really is where I see the most immediate benefit to the library now.

  1. We could incorporate a serious of 'How to' videos and embed them into this page http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/using/index.html of our website.
  2. A Training Wiki/Blog could be set up in regards to the processes of the library. For example, a video regarding how to process credit card payments through the online system could be made to assist new staff in learning this. A number of procedures and job roles could be stored here.
  3. We could include snippets or events or exhibitions used to promote future events and boost the number of clients attending.

That's all I have at the moment - but I will attempt to come back and brainstorm some more. For now however I am starting to get a bit hungry. So it is off to lunch!


1 comment:

slnsw_learning_2.0 said...

I'm embarrassed to say that if you look closely I'm part of that video! It was taken by Helene Blowers who developed the first ever Learning 2.0 program when she visited us in 2007.

Mylee (PLS)