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Friday, May 16, 2008


For today's entry I think some good old question and answer formatting will be helpful. Feel free to play along at home.

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders? It has to be the convenience and time efficiency. Instead of having to log onto however many sites you enjoy following now you can get all your news sent straight to you! It only takes a second to set up the subscriptions and it is much more effective than having a proper newspaper subscrition - no more wet news, or any little buggers stealing the paper from your lawn!

What sites did you select for your RSS reader? The sites I selected for the RSS reader was mostly sporting sites. They were BBC Sport, Manly Warringah, Leeds Unite, I also added the SMH reader.

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work? RSS Feeds could prove useful for anyone working on a project with a number of collaborators. Once any changes have been made to the document/blog/site other workers can go on to check through it or catch up - even prepare contributions on top of the work there. It would also be quite useful to an events bulletin - allow people to see the new calendar of events, see late changes to events, etc.

How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology? Libraries can make use of RSS by getting news to the client as soon as it is published on the web. Faster communication to the client will increase their feeling of a part of the library and also allow them to plan ahead to attend certain events. It will notify them of exhibitions possibly earlier than they may otherwise find out through other mediums, etc.


1 comment:

Wonderer said...

I might add that RSS can also have many other applications in the Library work, e.g. to shorten the process of selection of material for library collections. We could use this technology in our team when chasing new government publications that should be deposited with our organisation.